The New Books Have Printed and are awaiting final approval!

Hello all,

Just a quick update to let those of you that pre-ordered the new books know that they have printed and do indeed exist (in case you were worried.) Photos below. I should be getting the advance copies along with the slipcases and extras next week. Once approved, they will be freight shipped (which usually takes about 6 weeks) to the fulfillment center to be mailed to you.

The books will be on sale again in late September or early October, but supplies will be very limited. You can sign-up to be updated here:

Sorry its taking so long. The process has been slow lately, but the gears are turning...


April Patreon sign-up bonuses!

Hello all

[edit: offer expired]

Want some exclusive stuff? Consider becoming a member of my Patreon. New patrons at the $5 level or higher in the month of April will get a signed 8"X10" mini-print and 2 big stickers. I will be doing more physical merch in the future for the new $15 Treasure Hunter tier, so consider adding it if you want more exclusive stuff.

Thanks for all your support! I know things might be tough right now, so I really appreciate the pledges. All the money goes in to helping me make the next Scurry story.


Book 2 Kickstarter is shipping!

Hello backers,

Just a note to say the rewards are now shipping in the US. It might take a few days to get them all out. You should get an email when it ships. International orders went out last week. I think most of them are in the mail. 

Undoubtedly there will be some screwed up orders or incorrect addresses, but I'll get the books to you one way or another.

A few notes repeated from the last update:

  • Art tiers (and a few special orders) have to be sent to me so I can package the artwork. They should be sent out this weekend.

  • If you ordered the empty book 1 slipcase: I was worried about them being damaged during delivery, so I had them shipped directly to me to add some extra padding. Those will be shipped separately. I don't know if it will arrive first or last, but don't panic if you get a box with one empty slipcase. Your other books are on the way.

You can now buy both books at the store.

thanks Everyone!

Scurry Book 1 is now available on Amazon and Kindle. I appreciate any reviews and ratings.

The first book in the Scurry story, The Doomed Colony, is available on Amazon and Kindle at this link. If you haven't gotten it yet, now's your chance. 

If you have read the book and liked it, I would appreciate a rating or review if you have the time. Reviews and ratings help the book become more visible on Amazon. Thanks for your time!

Scurry Patreon has been revamped!

Want to support the production of Scurry? Consider joining the Scurry Patreon.

  • Revamp underway. I'm properly tagging posts and fixing broken links. It should be easier to navigate now. I'll be posting some new concepts and videos in the next few days.
  • For only $2 a month, you get layered PSD files, hi-res pics, step-by-step progress GIFs and the occasional note or sketch I dig up. I'll also make available new brush sets from time to time.
  • Exclusive videos at the $5 level, and physical gifts mailed to $10 patrons (big movie posters on the way now). Patrons at these levels also get their name added to the thanks section in the books. 
  • Adding a lot of new posts and deleting old ones.
  • Even a dollar helps!


The Scurry Book 1 kickstarter has been fulfilled. Now what?

The Scurry Book 1 kickstarter has been fulfilled and pre-orders delivered. Now what? 

Well, we'll be doing the Kickstarter for book 2, of course. I hope to get it kicked off around August 22nd. More Premium Slipcase Editions will be available as well. Sign up to the mailing list for updates.

What else has been going on?

  • I'm using a distributor in Europe to ship the book to international customers. International shipping has been reduced to $15, so if the kickstarter shipping cost was too steep, now is your chance to get the first book at a slightly more reasonable price, you can purchase the regular hardcover or softcover here:
  • The digital version of the first book as well as the complete episode 4 are now available on Gumroad can be found here: . They can also be had on my Patreon to all $2 patrons and up:
  • Episode 5 is well underway on the website. (Here come the wolves!) It will finish up at the end of July. I'm working on finishing episode 6 now and will start posting it in mid-August.
  • The Tapastic version of the comic recently surpassed 1 million views and 14,000 subscribers!
  • I plan on revamping the store soon and offering plenty of new merch.


Thanks so much for all your support. Sharing the project on social media really helps, too!


One month Anniversary!

We're a month and 15 pages into the comic and about halfway through chapter 1 (its a fairly long one). I've been really surprised about the early attention Scurry has gotten so far. Thanks everyone for your support! 


-Scurry was featured on the website last week and Scurry has gained over 5500 subscribers there!

- I am giving away a 30+page digital artbook. For people signing up for the Scurry newsletter. sign up here: . I only plan on using it for Kickstarter news later this year, unless some other news comes up.

-I hope to get back to live streaming on Twitch ( in March, but it will probably be random sketches or concepting or fan art. Working on the comic takes up a lot of brain power (and computer power), so streaming while working on it is too distracting. I may stream a comic page here and there when I get more comfortable with it.

-Soon I will be adding a poll to the site to get some feedback on what people are looking for in a physical book. Plus stuff related to the story too.  Feel free to send me feedback in comics or email.


thanks! We're just getting started.
