Book 2 Kickstarter is shipping!

Hello backers,

Just a note to say the rewards are now shipping in the US. It might take a few days to get them all out. You should get an email when it ships. International orders went out last week. I think most of them are in the mail. 

Undoubtedly there will be some screwed up orders or incorrect addresses, but I'll get the books to you one way or another.

A few notes repeated from the last update:

  • Art tiers (and a few special orders) have to be sent to me so I can package the artwork. They should be sent out this weekend.

  • If you ordered the empty book 1 slipcase: I was worried about them being damaged during delivery, so I had them shipped directly to me to add some extra padding. Those will be shipped separately. I don't know if it will arrive first or last, but don't panic if you get a box with one empty slipcase. Your other books are on the way.

You can now buy both books at the store.

thanks Everyone!